Diamond disks: grit #180, #320, 180mmx1mm thickness 20USD each https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07GBVW57X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00 ダイヤモンド研削盤 #180, #320, 外径180mmx1mm厚 \2000 |
Glass plate x2 30x20cm 8-10mm thickness about 10-20 USD each Abrasive: Carborundum #800 500g Alundum #1500 250g about 15-30 USD each https://www.monotaro.com/g/04473003/ https://www.monotaro.com/g/04473005/ ガラス板(普通ガラス厚板29x19cmx8mm厚,コダマガラスで入手,1枚1000円見当) 研磨剤カーボランダム(#800 500g),アランダム(#1500 少量) モノタロウなどで入手 \3000 \1650 |
Photo From Amazon |
Photos from Monotaro |
#180 grit diamond plate (purchased from Amazon), within 1min.(Until saw scratches are erased). Samples are gabbros at Murotomisaki, Shikoku. #180のダイヤモンド砥石1分以内(鋸目が取れるまで),サンプルは四国室戸岬のはんれい岩 https://youtu.be/qCSWIWrc14o |
#180 to #320 diamond disks change.(revers screw & nut) ダイヤモンド板の交換(逆ネジに注意) |
#320 grit diamond disk (purchased from Amazon), within 1min. #320ダイヤモンド砥石摺り1分以内 |
The surface change of #180 and #320. Diorite Mie Click to enlarge #180と#320の表面のちがい.クリックして拡大. |