2023年度地学教育学会発表 「スケルトン地震計」製作レシピ. 2023-08-01-10-26 to 2024-02-06, 2024-06-05 Yoshio Okamoto
Recipe for making a skeleton seismograph with English Version.
岡本義雄・根本泰雄:教室で用いるスケルトン地震計 −アクリル樹脂,ネオジム磁石,およびESP32基板−,日本地学教育学会第77回全国大会滋賀大会Poster,English_Version,2023
0.観測風景と2014年能登半島地震記録.Observation sites and 2014 Noto Peninsula earthquake.
Osaka Kyoiku University Attached Tennoji Junior High School (Tennoji-ku, Osaka) Physics Labo.
堺市立新檜尾台小学校 理科室
Sakai City Shin-Hinokiodai Primary School Science Room
以下のページへ,Go to the following page
1.振り子部 pendulum part
Acrylic sheet end material
(https://www.acry-ya.com/products/detail/120/?size=38). Cutting is done
by a special acrylic cutter. See below for an outline of the cutting
※Super Analog technique library

振り子と筐体の台 Pendulum and housing base

支柱部の組み立て.接着剤と4mmビス Assembling the support pillar section. Adhesive and 4mm screws

水平動振り子組み立ての様子.未装着のダンパーは次の写真 Assembling the horizontal pendulum. The uninstalled damper is shown in the next photo.
最初に試作したアルミパイプによるダンパー.やや制動不足で次の銅板に変更.The first prototype was made with aluminum pipe, but it lacked damping power, so the next copper plate was used.
The next prototype is a rounded copper plate (0.5 mm). This damper is effective.Note the orientation of the coil and magnet (the output signals increase double each other).
The vertical pendulum plates. The structure is a little complicated. In the vertical motion, the characteristics of the main spring and the suspension type determine the natural period. Here, Kirnos-type suspension and a custom-made spring with a short initial value are used. The Brass weights are used to adjust the balance of the pendulum.
Magnetic circuits and coils placed vertically. The specisfication is the same as horizontal one. The damper is a 0.3 mm thick copper plate as in the horizontal motion.
5V単電源(USB供給も可)で動く1chAmpとArduinoUno.デモ用の機材として使用.1chAmp and ArduinoUno, powered by a single 5V power supply (or USB), used for seismograph demonstration.

Amp circuit schematics. The constant of the integrated amp. is still under trial. 200kΩ could be 100k.

PC waveform display. ArduinoIDE and Processing are used. Both on Windows and Linux. the sotware can run. The sketch code will be coming soon.
1.コイルの巻き方 How to wind up the coil.

winding can be done by hand, but we recommend using the inexpensive
manual winder mentioned above, which can be purchased on Amazon.
Naturally, the output of the two coils should be connected to the one whose signal is doubled. If they are connected in opposite directions, the outputs of both coils cancel each other and the signal becomes almost zero.
sundae is used as the adhesive, but it is expensive, so I bought a
small bottle of dichloromethane with the same ingredients from Amazon
and used it instead.

3.支点用のリン青銅板(phosphor bronze plate for fulcrum leaf spring)
冨士シャーシ りん青銅板0.1mm厚がAmazonで入手できます.これをハサミで切って使用します.詳細はまたアップします.ほかに金属材料店でバネ用と書かれたリン青銅板を入手されてもよいです.
Fuji chassis made Phosphor bronze sheet 0.1mm thick is available from Amazon Net shop. Cut it with scissors and use it. Details will be uploaded later. You can also get a phosphor bronze sheet labeled “for springs” at a metal material store.

Making a spring for a fulcrum. A
phosphor bronze plate cut into small pieces is placed between two jigs
(made using a 3D printer), and holes are drilled using a 4mm drill.
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