Middle-stream river-side is recommended
because you can collect various kinds of rock samples within a single
location. Rocky coasts (sea-sides) are another recommended location.
In those cases, you should choose not weathered rocks.
Building stone shops or factories is the next way to get rock samples because they are fresh and not weathered.
These samples are polished clearly so that we can use them for natural rock samples.
A river-side at Yamato-Gawa ("gawa" means a river in Japanese) in Osaka Pref. Students examine rocks. 大阪府の大和川中流の河原.学生さんが岩石を調べています. |
There are many kinds of rocks you can find here, granites, diorites, gabbros, basalts, andesites, gneiss, and cherts. この河原では非常にたくさんの種類の岩石が見られます.花崗岩,閃緑岩,はんれい岩,玄武岩,安山岩,片麻岩そしてチャートなどです. |
You should use a rock hammer and goggles to collect samples. Please use the flat side of hammer to break the rock instead of pointed one. 岩石の採集には岩石ハンマーとゴーグルを用いてください.ハンマーの尖った方ではなく,平たい方で割る.くれぐれも怪我に注意. |
A river at Mitsuiishi, Hokkaido. 北海道,三石の河原. |
Here, you can find a lot of mafic and ultra-mafic rocks and metamorphic rocks. ここでは多くの塩基性や超塩基性の岩石と変成岩が見られます. |
Rocky coast at Kii-Oshima Wakayama Pref. 和歌山県紀伊大島の岩石海岸. |
Most of the rocks are rhyolites with porphyritic texture. ここでは斑晶の多い流紋岩がほとんどです. |
A rocky coast at Kada, Wakayama Pref., this site shows beautiful sedimentary rock sequence (turbidites). So this location is suitable for geological study, however it is not so good place to collect rock samples for thin-section making. 和歌山県加太の岩石海岸.ここではとてもきれいな砂岩&泥岩の地層が見える(タービダイトと呼ばれる).地質見学地としては優れた場所であるが,薄片用のサンプルを採る場所としてはあまり適さない. |
Spinoff 番外編 |
A disposal rock site of the famous geology labo. (Geology department of Chulalongkorn University). Thanks to Prof.Montri Choowong for his help to our collecting samples. We collect a lot of samples igneous and sedimentary rocks including fusulina limestones. チュラロンコーン大学地質学教室の岩石捨て場.便宜を図っていただいたMontori 先生に感謝.フズリナ石灰岩を含む堆積岩と火成岩のサンプルを収集. |
A stone shop at Minami-Osaka(left,https://osakasekizai-minamiosaka.com/) . Some stone shop provide us useful polished stone samples freely(right). Special thanks ot Yuki Adachi. 南大阪の石材店(左https://osakasekizai-minamiosaka.com).店長の安達裕樹氏から無料の石材サンプルをいただいた(右).感謝します. |