Coil bobbin parts for 0.25mm urethane coated copper wire 3200 turns
Assembly(Gluing) bobbins
0.25 to 0.26 urethane coated copper wire 500g. Imported from China via AliExpress.
Rounding coil with a table-top lathe machine.
Rounding coil by a Lathe with hand-made analog counter.
Finished rounding.
Bobbin walls to prevent bobbins expanding.
Glued walls to coil bobbins, these plastic are PLA+. And the glue is adhesive for acrylic materials.
Magnetic circuit except Neodymium magnets
Magnetic circuit with Neodymium magnets. Magnets polar direction are same at up and down but reversed left and right.
Coil holder of the vertical pendulum. The bobbin is same as horizontal one.
Magnetic circuit of the vertical pendulum.
Cutting copper damper plate (0.5mm thickness)
Bending damping cover plate
Magnetic circuit parts
Magnetic circuit assembly
Measuring the strength of the magnetic circuit.