These photomicrographs were taken of thin sections from samples I
collected while on this trip. The photos here are generally
representative, though doubtless my collection has gaps in mineralogy
and textures. Most photos show plane-light view, but will show a
cross-polarized light view if you put the cursor over them.
Mineralogy: plagioclase, olivine, primary augite (brown), augite inverted from ferrobustamite (green), oxides, apatite. Cumulus phases are plagioclase, olivine, ferrobustamite, oxides, augite, and apatite. Olivine has a dark, finely speckled appearance because of small, brown and black oxide plates, probably unmixed from the olivine during subsolidus oxidation. Notice that the green augite is generally in crystal cores, and the brown augite is on the rims. The two are optically continuous. No separate grains of relict ferrobustamite were identified by me. In cross-polarized light augite cores and rims have slightly different birefringent colors. Olivine birefringence shows through well in the cross-polarized light view. Field width is 6 mm. |
はわずかに異なった干渉色を呈する.かんらん石の干渉色はXPLできれいにみえる.視野幅は6mm. |
Detail of some of the augite, with strongly contrasting core and rim colors and sharp contacts. The distinction between green augite cores and brown rims is more clear in this view. Birefringence varies but the extinction angles of the brown and green augite are similar. Field width is 3 mm. |
普通輝石の幾つかの詳細.ここでは,核と縁の色の強いコントラストとシャープな接触境界が見える.緑のコアと茶色のリムの区別がこの視野ではとてもクリアにみえる.茶色と緑の普通輝石の干渉色は異なるが,消光角は似ている.視野幅は3mm. |
Interstitial quartz-bearing granophyre. Field width is 1.2 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only. |
侵入型の石英を帯びたグラノファイヤー.視野幅1.2mm.XPLのみ. |
UZb |
Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine, oxides, and apatite. Cumulus phases are plagioclase, olivine, augite, oxides, and apatite. This sample is somewhat altered. Though it contains no orthopyroxene or inverted pigeonite, the augite has abundant, very thin pigeonite exsolution lamellae. Olivine crystals are visible at the left-center and bottom-left of the image. Field width is 6 mm. |
鉱物学:斜長石,普通輝石,かんらん石,酸化鉱物と燐灰石.累積相は,斜長石,かんらん石,普通輝石,酸化鉱物,集積相は斜長石,かんらん石,普通輝石,酸化鉱物と燐灰石.このサンプルはやや変質している.このサンプルは斜方輝石や転化ピジョン輝石(脚注)を含んでいないが,普通輝石は多量で,とても薄い離溶したピジョン輝石のラミナを含む.かんらん石は画像の左中央と下左に見える.視野幅は6mm. |
Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine, oxides. Cumulus phases are plagioclase, olivine, augite, and oxides. Augite is light brown, and olivines are slightly lighter in color and slightly greenish, and several grains of each are visible. Field width is 6 mm. |
鉱物学:斜長石,普通輝石,かんらん石,酸化鉱物.集積相は,斜長石,かんらん石,普通輝石と酸化鉱物.普通輝石は淡茶色,そしてかんらん石は色が少し薄く,やや緑がかっている.それらの幾つかの粒は見える.視野幅は6mm. |
Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, inverted pigeonite, and oxides. Cumulus phases are plagioclase, augite, pigeonite, and oxides. Parallel alignment of plagioclase crystals is prominent in this sample. Field width is 6 mm. |
鉱物学:斜長石,普通輝石,転化ピジョン輝石.転化ピジョン輝石と酸化鉱物.集積相は斜長石,普通輝石,ピジョン輝石と酸化鉱物.このサンプルでは斜長石の平行な整列が顕著.視野幅は6mm. |
To the upper left is a grain of augite with exsolution lamellae of
pigionite. To the lower right is inverted pigeonite, with thick lamellae
of orthopyroxene and thin lamellae of augite. Field width is 1.2 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only. |
左上方に向けたピジョン輝石の離溶ラメラを含む普通輝石.右下方へは厚い斜方輝石と薄い普通輝石のラメラを含む転化ピジョン輝石.視野幅は1.2mm.XPLのみ. |
Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine, inverted pigeonite, oxides. Cumulus phases are plagioclase, augite, olivine and oxides. Augite is light brown, olivine is lighter, as is the interstitial inverted pigeonite, which is now mostly orthopyroxene with augite exsolution lamellae. In cross-polarized light, notice interstitial olivine rimming Fe-Ti oxides, optically continuous with cumulus olivine. Field width is 6 mm. |
のピジョン輝石は現在ほとんどが離溶した普通輝石離溶ラメラを含む斜方輝石になっている.XPLでは侵入型のかんらん石に縁取られたFe-Ti酸化物があり,光学的には集積かんらん石と連続的である.視野幅は6mm. |
Detail showing olivine rimming Fe-Ti oxides. In this case the rim is
optically continuous with an adjacent olivine crystal, in this case the
one with magenta birefringence in the upper-left. In cases the rims are
polycrystalline. This texture is usually found near inverted pigeonite,
suggesting a partial subsolidus reaction, possibly: Pigeonite +
Titanomagnetite = Olivine + Ilmenite + Augite. Interstitial inverted
pigeonite is visible on the right. Field width is 3 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only. |
この組織は転化ピジョン輝石の近くに通常見られる.これは ピジョン輝石+チタン磁鉄鉱 =
かんらん石+チタン鉄鉱+普通輝石 の部分的準固化反応が生じたことを示している.侵入型の転化ピジョン輝石は右に見える.視野幅は3mm.XPLのみ. |
Inverted pigeonite showing high birefringence augite exsolution
lamellae in a (now) orthopyroxene host. Blue and yellow crystals on the
top left and lower center are augite, with thin pigeonite exsolution
lamellae and twins. Field width is 1.2 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only. |
現在は斜方輝石に化した中に,高複屈折率の普通輝石離溶ラメラを見せる転化ピジョン輝石.上左や下中央の青や黄色の結晶は,ピジョン輝石の離溶ラメラと双晶を持つ普通輝石.視野幅は1.2mm.XPLのみ. |
Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine, inverted pigeonite, and oxides (interstitial only). Cumulus minerals include plagioclase, olivine, and augite. Olivine is just above center, augite crystals are brownish, and inverted pigeonite (probably interstitial) is at the lower right. Field width is 6 mm. |
鉱物学:斜長石,普通輝石,かんらん石,転化ピジョン輝石そして酸化鉱物(侵入型のみ).集積鉱物は斜長石,かんらん石と普通輝石.かんらん石はちょうど中央のすぐ上にある.普通輝石は茶色を帯び,転化ピジョン輝石(おそらく侵入型)は右下方にある.視野幅は6mm. |
Detail of the pigeonite grain in the image immediately above. This
was originally a twinned pigeonite crystal, now unmixed into an
orthopyroxene host and augite exsolution lamellae close to {001} and {100} in orientation. field width is 1.2 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only. |
がとうの中央のピジョン輝石の拡大.これはもともとは双晶したピジョン輝石の結晶,しかし現在は斜長石の母体と001および100方向に近い普通輝石離溶ラメラである.視野幅は1.2mm.XPLのみ. |
Mineralogy: plagioclase, olivine, augite, inverted pigeonite, oxides. Cumulus phases are plagioclase and olivine. Augite crystals here are clearly interstitial, with lighter-colored olivine crystals. Field width is 6 mm. |
鉱物学:斜長石,かんらん石,転化ピジョン輝石,酸化鉱物.集積相は,斜長石とかんらん石.普通輝石結晶はここでは,淡い色のかんらん石を伴い侵入型が明らか.視野幅は6mm. |
LZa |
Detail of one of the interstitial inverted pigeonite crystals,
showing how the augite exsolution lamellae are coalescing from thin
lamellae into larger blobs. Field width is 1.2 mm. Cross-polarized light view only. |
侵入型転化ピジョン輝石の1つの拡大.普通輝石の離溶ラメラが,薄いラメラから大きな塊に合体している.視野幅は1.2mm.XPLのみ. |
転化ピジョン輝石: ピジョン輝石が斜方輝石に転移するとき,(001)面に平行な普通輝石のラメラが離溶したものと考えられる.斜方輝石が双晶をしていると,この普通輝石のラメラは魚骨状(herring-bone pattern)を呈する,(001)面に平行な普通輝石のラメラをもつ斜方輝石をStillwater型の斜方輝石と呼ぶ. |
サンドイッチ層準の岩石 |
This is from the southwest flank of Basistoppen. Mineralogy: plagioclase, olivine, augite (in part inverted ferrobustamite), oxides, and apatite, with abundant interstitial granophyre and subsolidus alteration. Like the UZc sample shown above, the augite here includes brown and green color varieties. I think that the green augite, mostly in augite cores and generally optically continuous with adjacent brown augite, is inverted ferrobustamite. No zircon was seen though the sandwich horizon is supposed to have up to 1500 ppm Zr. Field width is 6 mm. |
いる. |
Same as above showing detail of olivine (lower left) and the brown and green colors in the augite. In this image the brown augite is in the grain core, which is unusual. Perhaps augite nucleated and grew first, and was overgrown by ferrobustamite (now inverted to green augite). Field width is 3 mm. |
スタム石に覆われた(現在は緑の普通輝石に変わっている).視野幅は3mm. |
サンドイッチ2 |
Sandwich horizon candidate 2 taken from the east flank of Nunatak 1. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine (mostly altered to a mass of serpentine, talc, and magnetite), oxides, apatite. The apatite is not particularly abundant, and no zircon was seen. Again, the sandwich horizon is supposed to have up to 1500 ppm Zr. Field width is 6 mm. |
ルコンも見えない.再度サンドイッチ層準は,Zrが1500ppmに達すると推定されているが.視野幅は6mm. |
The contact zone, essentially the pluton chilled margin 接触帯:本質的に深成岩体との急冷縁
Gabbro ~10 cm from the contact with Archean gneiss on Mellemø Island. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, orthopyroxene(!), inverted pigeonite, oxides. Olivine was not found, possibly because of contamination of the border zone by silica-rich liquids derived from the adjacent gneiss. Field width is 6 mm. |
の,境界での混ざり合いのためだろうと考える.視野幅は6mm. |
Contact zone gabbro taken from between wherlite xenoliths at the base of Uttental Plateau, near Uttental Sund. Mineralogy: plagioclase and olivine with interstitial orthopyroxene, augite, and oxides. This sample is remarkable in having large orthopyroxene crystals and no pigeonite, inverted or otherwise. The orthopyroxene is in the center and lower parts of this image and is pinkish, the augite is mostly at the upper right, and is greenish, and the olivine crystals are all rather round and colorless. Field width is 6 mm. |
ウッテンタルスンドに近いウッテンタル高原の基底におけるウェーライトのゼノリスの間の接触帯の斑糲岩. 鉱物学:斜長石とかんらん石および,それに伴われる,侵入型の斜方輝石,普通輝石と酸化鉱物.このサンプルは大きな斜方輝石を持つことと,転化やほかのピ ジョン輝石を含まないことで特筆される.中央と画像下部の斜方輝石と,ピンクを帯びる普通輝石は右上方では緑色を帯びる.そしてかんらん石は,すべてやや 丸く色が無色に近い.視野幅は6mm. |
"Tranquil zone" sample from the western margin of Uttental Plateau at ~150 m elevation. Mineralogy: plagioclase and olivine with interstitial augite, orthopyroxene, and oxides. Orthopyroxene is the faintly pinkish mineral at the top center and right, augite is the mineral with exsolution lamellae in the center and bottom left, and olivine crystals are scattered throughout. No inverted pigeonite was found. Field width is 6 mm. |
メラを伴う鉱物,かんらん石は全体に散らばっている.転化ピジョン輝石は見られない.視野幅は6mm. |
Perpendicular feldspar rock from ~10 m inside the contact on Mellemø Island. Mineralogy: plagioclase, olivine, interstitial augite, and oxides. The largest plagioclase crystal visible here, extending from the picture center into the upper-right corner, is one of the perpendicular feldspars. The scale of the perpendicular feldspars is difficult to see even on the scale of a whole thin section. For other examples, see Irvine et al. (2001, Figure 47). field width is 6 mm. |
メレモー島の接触部の内部10mほどの場所の直交する長石の岩.鉱物 学:斜長石,かんらん石,侵入型普通輝石,酸化鉱物.ここでみられる最大の斜長石は,画像の中央から右上に伸びるが,1つの直交する長石である.直交する 長石のスケールは,薄片全体を通しても観ることが難しい.他の例はIrvine et al. (2001, Figure 47)を参照のこと.視野幅は6mm. |
Replacement gabbroic anorthosite from the crossbedded belt, LZa, on Uttental Plateau. Mineralogy: plagioclase appears to be cumulus like the plagioclase elsewhere in the pluton. All other phases (augite, minor inverted pigeonite, and oxides) appear to be interstitial. I wonder if this replacement gabbroic anorthosite isn't basically a framework of the original rock with some mafic minerals dissolved out and more plagioclase precipitated in by migrating plagioclase-rich residual liquids. Field width is 6 mm. |
く晶出したのではないかと考える.視野幅6mm. |
Gabbroic anorthosite from a small autolith block in the Homestead area, UZa. Mineralogy: plagioclase with interstitial augite, olivine, oxides, and biotite. Interstitial olivine is on the right, augite is on the left. Field width is 6 mm. |
UZaのホメステッド地域にある小さな同源捕獲岩からの斑糲岩質斜長岩.鉱物学:斜長石と以下を含む.侵入型の普通輝石,かんらん石,酸化鉱物そして黒雲母.侵入型のかんらん石が右に,普通輝石が左にある.視野幅は6mm. |
Same as above, with interstitial quartz. Field width is 3 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only. |
上と同じ.侵入型の石英.視野幅は3mm.XPLのみ. |
Gabbroic anorthosite from a medium size autolith from the Homestead area, UZa. Mineralogy: cumulus plagioclase and olivine with interstitial augite, oxides, and biotite. Olivine is on the left, augite is on the bottom of the image. Field width is 6 mm. |
UZaのホメステッド地域にある,中規模の同源捕獲岩からの斑糲岩質斜長岩.鉱物学:集積型の斜長石とかんらん石,それに侵入型の普通輝石,酸化鉱物と黒雲母.かんらん石は左に,普通輝石は画像の下にある.視野幅6mm. |
Same as above, showing interstitial quartz. Field width is 3 mm.
Cross-polarized light view only.
上と同じ.侵入型の石英を見ている.視野幅3mm.XPLのみ. |
Gabbro autolith from the giant block on the east end of Kraemer Island on the shore of Uttental Sund, in the MZ. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, inverted pigeonite, and oxides. No olivine was seen, so this rock is mineralogically equivalent to the MZ (roof facies called UBZβ). field width is 6 mm. |
MZのウッテルスンド海岸のクラメール島の東端の大きなブロックからの 斑糲岩同源捕獲岩.鉱物学:斜長石,普通輝石,転化ピジョン輝石,そして酸化鉱物.かんらん石は見られない.したがって,この岩石は鉱物学的には MZ(UBZβと呼ばれるルーフ相)に相当する.視野幅は6mm. |
Wherlite xenolith from the contact zone on the lower flanks of Uttental Plateau. Mineralogy: olivine, augite, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, oxides. In this image the olivines are colorless with black magnetite–serpentine fractures running through them. Augite and orthopyroxene are both slightly brown and difficult to distinguish from one another. Field width is 6 mm. |
無色で,その中に黒い磁鉄鉱-蛇紋石の割れ目が走っている.普通輝石と斜方輝石は両方共,少し茶色っぽく,双方を見分けるのは難しい.視野幅は6mm. |
Olivine-free basalt xenolith from the MZ of southeast Kraemer Island. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, inverted pigeonite, and oxides. The texture has been annealed so that it is much more granulitic than is typical of basalts. No olivine was seen in this sample. Field width is 3 mm. |
このサンプルにはかんらん石は見られない.視野幅は3mm. |
Olivine-rich basalt xenolith from the MZ of southeastern Kraemer Island. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine, and oxides. This sample also has a granulitic texture. Because this sample is so olivine-rich, it may be from the section of picrite flows into which the Skaergaard intruded. In this image olivine is slightly lighter in color than the augite. No pigeonite was seen in this sample. Field width is 6 mm. |
クラメール島の南東のMZからのかんらん石に富むゼノリス.鉱物 学:斜長石,普通輝石,かんらん石,そして酸化鉱物.このサンプルはまたグラニュライト組織を持つ.なぜならこのサンプルは,大変かんらん石に富み,ス ケールガード岩体が貫入したピクライト溶岩流から来たと思われる.この画像では,かんらん石は普通輝石よりわずかに淡い色をしている.ピジョン輝石はこの サンプルには見られない.視野幅は6mm. |
The plagioclase porphyry dike that is one of the oldest in the Skaergard Homestead area, based on crosscutting relationships. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, oxides, and greenish altered material that was probably glass or fine-grained interstitial segregations. No olivine was seen in this rock, nor altered material that was obviously pseudomorphing olivine. Field width is 6 mm. |
型の分離か.かんらん石は見られない.またかんらん石からあきらかに変質した物質も見られない.視野幅は6mm. |
Campsite composite dike chilled margin from the Homestead area, from which the xenolith sample below was taken. Mineralogy: phenocrysts of plagioclase, olivine, and augite. The matrix is made of plagioclase, augite, and oxides without olivine. Field width is 6 mm. | ホメスタッド地域のキャンプサイトを構成する岩脈のチルドマージン.そこからゼノリスサンプルが取られた.鉱物学:斜長石の斑晶.かんらん石,普通輝石.石基は斜長石,普通輝石,そして酸化鉱物とかんらん石からできている.視野幅は6mm. |
Gabbro xenolith in the Campsite composite dike. It was difficult to tell the size of the xenolith sampled, but it was at least 2 m across. Mineralogy: plagioclase with interstitial augite. No olivine was seen, nor oxides except those associated with patches of alteration. One interstitial pyroxene was unidentifiable because it was completely and selectively altered, and I suspect that it was orthopyroxene or inverted pigeonite. Field width is 6 mm. |
か転化ピジョン輝石だったと疑っている.視野幅は6mm. |
Transgressive granophyre dike taken from the northern end of the Homestead area, near Trough B. Mineralogy: orthoclase perthite, plagioclase, quartz, brown hornblende, brown biotite, apatite, and oxides. There is no apparent flow foliation even though the dike is was only ~8 cm across. There is moderate alteration throughout. Field width is 6 mm |
ず,明らかな流理は見られない.中くらいの変質が行われている.視野幅6mm. |
Interstitial granophyre in sandwich horizon candidate 1. This granophyre that is completely unrelated to the transgressive granophyre. It represents the residual granitoid liquid produced by in situ fractional crystallization. Granophyre of this sort characteristically has graphic intergrowth patterns. Rock mineralogy: quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, olivine, augite, oxides, and apatite, with abundant interstitial granophyre and subsolidus alteration. Field width is 6 mm. |
多量の侵入型のグラノファイヤーと準固化の変質である.視野幅は6mm. |
This sample came from gray-weathering rock at the south end of Nunatak 1, mapped in McBirney (1989) as Basistoppen. Its gray color contrasts sharply with the mostly brown-weathering Skaergaard rocks. Mineralogy: plagioclase, augite, olivine, oxides, and apatite. In several respects this rock looks much like the more evolved parts of the Skaergaard: dark olivines are full of oxide inclusions. There is moderate alteration. The augite grains are greenish, rather than brown everywhere in the Skaergaard except some in UZc that is probably inverted ferrobustamite. Field width is 6 mm. |
McBirney (1989) でバシストッペンと記された,ヌ
石を例外とすると,スケアガードのそこら中で茶色に見えるものと異なる.視野幅6mm. |
Interstitial granophyre in the Basistoppen sample with central quartz. The high birefringence grain just below and to the left of center looks like zircon. It is the only zircon grain I saw in any of the mafic rocks in my Skaergaard sample set. Field width is 1.2 mm. |
中央に石英を伴うバシストッペンの侵入型のグラノファイヤーのサンプル.(石英の)ちょうど下と中央左の高い複屈折を示す粒はジルコンである.私のすべてのスケアガードサンプルセットのマフィックな岩石のなかでみた,唯一のジルコンの粒である.視野幅1.2mm. |