Hornblende-Schist, Mitsuishi(Hokkaido): Field width = 8.8mm A caption is in the bottom.
The Image is XPL on mouse to PPL
北海道三石の角閃石片岩 横幅8.8mm.写真の下に説明.薄片写真:クロスポーラー(XPL).マウスを乗せるとオープンポーラー(PPL).

Across the central Hokkaido, there is a famous metamorphic belt named
"Kaumikotan" originated from the culture of indigenous people, the Ainu.
This metamorphic rocks are chracterized with low-temperature and
high-pressure metamorphic minerals. This sample contains a lot of
hornblendes, khaki to yelow and brown colored under XPL and pale dark
green under PPL. Others are plagioclases.
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