Larvikite (Norway?, Building stone) Syenite:  Field width = 8.8mm A caption is in the bottom. The Image is XPL on mouse to PPL
ラルビカイト(ノルウエイ?石材)シエナイト 横幅8.8mm.写真の下に説明.薄片写真:クロスポーラー(XPL).マウスを乗せるとオープンポーラー(PPL).

A famous building stone from Norway. The name originated from the Larvik region in Norway. This rock is classified as syenite, which is a kind of K-felspar rich diorite. The minerals seen here are olivine (corful under XPL) and small amount of pyroxenes and biotites. Feldspars are almost K-feldspar. 

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