Cape Muroto (Kochi Pref.) Gabbro(fine, contact zone): Field width = 8.8mm A caption is in the bottom. The Image is XPL on mouse to PPL
室戸岬のはんれい岩(細粒の部分,貫入岩体の接触部に近い場所) 横幅8.8mm.写真の下に説明.薄片写真:クロスポーラー(XPL).マウスを乗せるとオープンポーラー(PPL).

Cape Muroto 2. This sample is collected at the contact zone of the intrusion body where the minerals are small due to the rapid cooling. And the olivines are often euhedral. Let's guess the order of crystallization of olivine, clino-pyroxene and plagioclase.

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