Hidaka (Hokkaido) Norite: Field width = 8.8mm A caption is in the bottom. The Image is XPL on mouse to PPL
日高のノーライト 横幅8.8mm.写真の下に説明.薄片写真:クロスポーラー(XPL).マウスを乗せるとオープンポーラー(PPL).

At near the south end of Mts.Hidaka, There are some mafic rocks are exposed along the Hidaka Ogon road. The name Ogon means gold, because this road was frequently collapsed during the construction due to the steep cliff behind the road. So, a much of money was spent to construct this road. This sample is one of the typical rock around this region. The contained minerals are olivines, orth-pyroxene, biotites, hornblende and plagioclases. The Gabbros contain ortho-pyroxenes instead of clino-pyroxenee are called "Norites".          
北海道日高山脈南部黄金道路ぞいのノーライト.この地域は道路際の崖が高く,しばしば崩れ,その開通に莫大な費用が費やされたので,いつしかこ の名前で呼ばれるようになったという.このサンプルはかんらん石,斜方(直方),輝石角閃石,黒雲母や斜長石を含む.単斜輝石ではなく直方輝石を含むはん れい岩をノーライトと呼ぶ.

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