小麦粉とココアの断層実験レシピその2  yossi.okamoto at mark gmail.com 2018年5月2日新装2019年11月29日追記.
Recipe for Flour and Cocoa Fault Experimental Part2  2023-06-25 in English

この断層実験はYouTubeなどでも散見されますが,いずれも地層の作り方が洗練されていなくて,きれいな地層になっていないのが残念です.ここでは”元 祖”小麦粉とココアの断層実験のやり方を説明します.参考文献は下記にあります.ただし古いスライドケースを用いた実験です.

This fault experiment can be found on YouTube and other sites, however unfortunately, the method of creating the strata is not sophisticated and does not show beautiful strata. Here we explain how to do the "original" flour and cocoa fault experiment. References are listed below (However, this experiment was performed using an old slide case).


Article written for the Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural Education Center, Osaka and Science Education 14, 13-16, 2000 in Japanese

Yoshio Okamoto: A Tiny Fault Model in a Slide-case using Flour and Cocoa, GeoSciEdIV Cargary 2003 proceedings,169-170


(Now in Japanese)
この断層実験で観察できることがら 別ページへ
この断層実験を成功させるコツ(追記.Making Movie, 「断層クッキー」のレシピ!) 
この断層実験の古い英文報告(GeoSciEdIII, at Calgary, Canada 2003) 別ページへ

0. Makind tools
はその1へ. http://www.yossi-okamoto.net/Fault_exp/Fault_exp_Part1.html


KVIS: Kamnoetvidya Science Academy

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The first layer of the stratum is made from flour. After pressing with the pressing board, clean the flour from the inner wall with the edge of the acrylic plate, like wiping the window of a car. This is the most important step. Note that there is a spacer board at the right end of the case. After making the strata, pull it out and press the strata by inserting the strata presser.

2層目のココアの投入.ココアは高いので少し薄くする.スペーサーの板 が倒れ込まないように押さえています.なおこの写真ではココアの地層を作っていますが,これはタイではスーパーでココア30%の粉を安く売っているからで す.純ココアしか入手できない場合は高くつくのでケースの両側の見える側にのみココアを敷きます.(ココアは地層の模様の役割です)

The second layer is cocoa ........ The cocoa is expensive, so make it a little thinner. The spacer board is held down so that it does not fall down. In this picture, the cocoa layer is made because 30% cocoa powder is sold at supermarkets in Thailand at a low price. If only pure cocoa is available, the cocoa is spread only on the visible sides of the case (the cocoa plays the role of the strata pattern). (The cocoa acts as a pattern for the strata.)

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Harden the cocoa with a presser and clean the powder from the inner wall with an acrylic plate. Make sure that the cocoa appears to be of the same thickness. (The spacer will not collapse when a certain layer thickness is achieved.


Pour more flour on top.
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The thickness of the flour should be about 1 cm. It is not necessary to be very careful to make the thickness of the flour even. Pour it in roughly.


Press down firmly. There are many variations in the strength of the pressing, so it is interesting to try changing from weak to strong and see the difference in the formation of the fault.

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After cleaning, the second layer of cocoa ....


Press the second layer of cocoa into place and clean the inner walls. Be careful to keep the thickness of the cocoa in line.

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Once completed, experiment with the fault! Remove the spacers, insert the push plate into it, and push it horizontally and slowly from side to side.


If time permits, observe in detail the angle of the faults, their spacing, and the shifting of their locations. I have included an example of the analysis in the references at the beginning of this article. Please refer to it.

※実験には,KVIS(Kamnoetvidya Science Academy, Thailand) のDr.Janjira Maneesan 先生に協力を得ました.断層実験をしているのはKVISの生徒たちです.

Dr. Janjira Maneesan of KVIS (Kamnoetvidya Science Academy, Thailand) assisted me in the experiment. The students of KVIS are conducting the fault experiment.

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