a line on the acrylic board cover paper and groove by pulling hard with
a cutter (This is a cutter specially designed for acrylic, available at
DIY stores. (This is a cutter specially designed for acrylic, You should never use an ordinary cutter knife.-- it is very dangerous!)
The groove is made by pulling rapidly 5-6 times.
Remove the protective paper, and make a groove along the line on the
reverse side in the same way. Be careful to place the table just at the
edge of the groove.
If it is difficult to fold the piece as it is, fold it neatly by clamping it between two pieces of hard metal, as shown in the figure.
Use a clamp to pour acrylic glue into the gap. When the gap becomes
transparent, it is an evidence that the adhesive has flowed cleanly. It
is not necessary to be so nervous because it is not for making an
Various sizes of sets are completed by making push plates and spacers (white).


薄いアクリル板(3mm)のカットMovie Part1. click start
Cutting a thin acrylic plate (3mm) Movie Part1. click start
薄いアクリル板のカットMovie Part2. click start こういう作業では図のクランプが重宝する.はさんでいるのは2枚の厚さがとても厚いアクリル板を「やとい」(作業の補助パーツ)にしている.
Cutting a thin acrylic plate (3mm) Movie Part2. click start The clamp
shown in the figure is useful for this kind of work. Two very thick
acrylic sheets are used as "yatoi" (auxiliary parts for work).


厚いアクリル板(5mm)のカットMovie Part3. click start
Cutting thick acrylic plate (5mm) Movie Part3. click start
厚いアクリル板(5mm)のカットMovie Part4. click start
Cutting thick acrylic plate (5mm) Movie Part4. click start |
Finished acrylic case and pressboard (1).
Finished acrylic case and pressed plate (2).