地震関連地図をまとめました  19th July 2020,04th June 2023
Summery of maps related with earthquakes  25th June 2023


P-wave arrival phase map (made with GMT3.x)

1995 年兵庫県南部地震(広域拡大),2000 年鳥取県西部地震2007 年中越地震2011 年長野県中部2006 年大分やや深発2009 年東海沖深発
1995 Kobe (wide, close up), 2000 Tottori, 2007 Chuetsu, 2011 Central Nagano, 2006 OOita midle depth, 2009 Tokai-Off Deep

GMT site: https://www.soest.hawaii.edu/gmt/

3D震源地図(for ChromaDepth3D Glasses, 04th June 2023 幾つか追加しました)

Pov-RAYによる 西日本(1995-2021Sep) 東北北海道(1995-2022) 東南アジア(工事中)
POV-Rayによる  西日本(1995-2016) 東北2011前 2011AGUPoster

Western Japan(1995-2021Sep) with POV-Ray
Tohoku^Hokkaido(1995-2022) with POV-Ray
South-East Asia(2000-2022) with POV-Ray

POV-Ray site: http://www.povray.org/

ChromaDepth3D Glasses: https://chromatek.com/



GMTによる IGC33 Oslo_Poster 
with GMT Poster IGC33 Oslo_Poste

Yoshio Okamoto: Seismicity Maps for “Chroma Depth 3D Glasses”using “The Generic Mapping Tools”,33rd IGC Oslo abstract CDROM, 2008
Yoshio Okamoto:New 3D seismicity maps using chromo-stereoscopy with two alternative freewares. 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2020-2023, All rights reserved.